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Rules for usage of Prepositions

1. 'In' is used with the name of countries and large cities; 'At' is used when speaking of local places and small cities.
They live at Andheri in Mumbai.

2. 'In' and 'At' are used in speaking of things at rest, 'to' and 'into' are used in speaking of things in motion.
He is in bed. He is at the top of his class.
He ran to school. He jumped into the river.
The snake crawled into its hole.
Prepositions - In On At
3. 'On' is often used for things at rest; 'upon' is used for things in motion.
He sat on the table. The cat jumped upon the table.

4. 'Till' is used for time and 'to' for place.
I slept till eight o'clock. He walked to the end of the street.

5. 'With' denotes the instrument and 'by' the agent.
He was killed with a knife. He was killed by the police.

6. 'Since' is used before a noun of phrase denothing some point of time, and is prceeded by a verb in the perfect tense whereas 'from' is used with the non perfect tense. For is used with a period of time.
I have eaten nothing since yesterday. He has been ill since last Monday.
I commenced work from 1st January. He will join college from tomorrow.
He has been ill for five days. He lived in Bombay for ten years.

7. 'In' is used before a noun denoting a period of time means 'at the end of'; within means 'before the end of'.
I shall return in an hour. I shall return within an hour.

8. 'Beside' means 'at the side of', while 'besides' means 'in addition to'.
Beside the ungathered rice he lay. Besides being fined, he was also jailed.
Preposition - Beside

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