Worksheets on Pronouns

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Introduction to Pronouns

A word that is used in place of a noun is said to be a pronoun.

Some of the examples of pronouns include:-
I, he, she, me, him, her, it, his, yours, their, who, whose, whom, what, myself, ourself, herself, himself, this, that, all, none, somebody, anybody, nobody, each other, one another etc.

Lets take a quick look at the following examples. The underlined words are pronouns.
1. The girl whom Radha helped moved to Chennai.
2. You could buy either of the rings.
3. The two sisters helped each other in making the painting.
4. That was a good breakfast.
5. Don’t disturb Prem, let him study for the exam.

Worksheet on Pronouns:

Identify the pronouns in the sentences given below:-
1. I myself spoke to him.
2. We were playing cricket.
3. They themselves wanted to prepare the sandwiches for the party.
4. She does not like cooking.
5. The boy who won the medal is Shiv’s friend.

1. I myself spoke to him.
2. We were playing cricket.
3. They themselves wanted to prepare the sandwiches for the party.
4. She does not like cooking.
5. The boy who won the medal is Shiv’s friend.
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