LIC AAO Mock Test

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LIC AAO Mock Test

Q1) Find the side of the largest possible square slab which can be paved on the floor of a room 2 m 50 cm long and 1 m 50 cm broad. Also find the number of such slabs required to ave the floor.
1) 25, 20
2) 30, 15
3) 50, 15
4) 55, 10

Q2) If the fraction c/d is positive, then which of the following must be true?
1) c > 0
2) d > 0
3) cd > 0
4) c + d > 0

Q3) What least number should be subtracted from 6860, so that 19 be the cube root of the result from this subtraction?
1) 1
2) 2
3) 3
4) 5

Q4) In a three digit number, the digit in the unit's place is four times the digit in the hundreds place. If the digit in the unit's place and the ten's place are interchanged, the new number so formed is 18 more than the original number. If the digit in the hundred's place is one-third of the digit in the ten's place, then what is 25% of the original number.
1) 67
2) 84
3) 137
4) Cannot be determined

Q5) Calculate the average of the cubes of the first five natural numbers.
1) 55
2) 65
3) 45
4) 35

Q6) A person covers 9 Km with a speed of 3 Km/hr, 25 Km with a speed of 5 Km/hr and 30 Km with a speed of 10 Km/hr. Find the average speed of the person.
1) 11.55 Km/hr
2) 5.81 Km/hr
3) 9.45 Km/hr
4) 5.45 Km/hr

Q7) The average age of three boys is 15 yr. If the ratio of their ages is 3:5:7, what is the age of the oldest boy?
1) 7 yr
2) 14 yr
3) 20 yr
4) 21 yr

Q8) A number is increased by 137.5% and the increment is 33. The number is
1) 27
2) 22
3) 24
4) 25

Q9) A sum doubles itself in 10 yr. Find the annual rate of interest.
1) 1%
2) 5%
3) 20%
4) 10%

Q10) The simple interest on a certain sum for 2 yr is Rs 120 and compound interest is Rs 129. Find the rate of interest.
1) 14%
2) 15%
3) 12%
4) 12.5%

1) 3      2) 3      3) 1      4) 1      5) 3     6) 2      7) 4     8) 3     9) 4     10) 2

9-10 Excellent
7-8 Good
5-6 Satisfactory
1-4 Poor