AFCAT 2016 Detailed Analysis and Expected Cutoff

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AFCAT 2016 (Quantitative Aptitude) Detailed Analysis and Expected Cutoff

Q10) The mean of 50 observations was 36. It was found later that an observation 48 was wrongly taken as 23. The corrected new mean is

1) 35.2
2) 34.1
3) 36.5
4) 39.1

Hence, option 3.
Question Level: Easy

Q11) A man sold 2 watches for Rs 3750 each; on one he gained 5% and on the other he lost 5%. What was his total gain or loss as a percentage?

1) 0.25% loss
2) 2.5% loss
3) 25% gain
4) 12.5% gain

Hence, option 1.
Question Level: Easy

Q12) The average score of a cricketer for 10 matches is 38.9 runs. If the average for the first six matches is 42, the average for the last four matches is

1) 33.25
2) 33.5
3) 34.25
4) 35

Hence, option 3.
Question Level: Easy

Q13) A crate of mangoes contains one bruised mango for every 30 mangoes in the crate. If 3 out of every 4 bruised mangoes are considered unsaleable, and there are 12 unsaleable mangoes in the crate, how many mangoes are there in the crate?

1) 480
2) 500
3) 420
4) 520

Hence, option 1.
Question Level: Medium

Q14) By selling a chair for Rs 368, a man lost 8%. For how much should have he sold it to gain 15%?

1) Rs 450
2) Rs 475
3) Rs 460
4) Rs 500

Hence, option 3.
Question Level: Easy

Q15) A worker may claim Rs 1.5 for each km which he travels by taxi and 50 paise for each km he drives his own car. If in one week he claimed Rs 50 for travelling 80 Km, how many kms did he travel by taxi?

1) 20 Km
2) 14 Km
3) 12 Km
4) 10 Km

Hence, option 4.
Question Level: Easy

Q16) A horse is sold at a profit of 25%. If both the cost price and selling price are Rs 200 less, the profit will be 5% more. The cost price is

1) Rs 1100
2) Rs 1200
3) Rs 1000
4) Rs 900

Hence, option 2.
Question Level: Medium

Q17) On a certain sum, the simple interest at the end of 6.25 years becomes 3/8th of the sum. The rate percent is

1) 7%
2) 6%
3) 5%
4) 5.5%

Hence, option 2.
Question Level: Easy

Q18) In an examination, a student was asked to find 3/14 of a certain number. NBy mistake, he found 3/4 of it. His answer was 150 more than the correct answer. Find the number.

1) 180
2) 280
3) 380
4) 480

Hence, option 2.
Question Level: Medium

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